Wanted: Future Conference Hosts

Host the conference next year? Year after that?

The NSNC Board of Directors is accepting bids for future conferences. If you think you would like to host the annual meeting in 2011 or 2012, step right up. But first, know what the job entails.

Under the NSNC bylaws, the conference chair is an elective position, serving a one-year term. By practice, some conferences have had co-chairs, both of whom are members of the board.

The conference chair is responsible for locating a site with convention facilities, or otherwise capable of holding a meeting of up to 200, including members, guests and speakers. Members of the NSNC board and others may assist with development of the program, but it is desirable that the conference chair have an idea for a theme and a proposed outline of potential speakers and activities.

A key requirement is that the conference chair provide a plan for financing the conference. Registration fees produce only a portion of the cost. The remainder must come from sponsorships in the form of grants, donations, contributions, revenues from program book ad sales, and other sources. For 2011 and 2012 conferences, recommendations from the general membership will be accepted.

Anyone who seriously wants to undertake these responsibilities and has the energy and enthusiasm to produce a successful conference should send an indication of interest via e-mail to director@columnists.com and be prepared to follow up with a detailed proposal by mail to NSNC, PO Box 411532, San Francisco, CA 94141.

The NSNC board also solicits ideas and suggestions regarding the future of the society in light of present conditions in the field of journalism with newspapers changing so fast and with the national economy placing pressure on all non-profit groups such as ours. A future newsletter article will summarize the responses.

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