Mike Leonard Welcome to Bloomington

UPDATE:  See comments on the article and Audio of Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly slamming Mike Leonard and IU researchers at a past conference. As Dave Lieber was overheard saying at the Conference, “How often do we get welcomed to a city on the front page of the local?”

Herald-Times, Bloomington, Ind., Mike Leonard column: My fellow columnists, welcome to Bloomington

NSNC Members were surprised by a front-page article by Mike Leonard in the Herald-Times. It started like this:
July 09–When my colleagues in the National Society of Newspaper Columnists pushed me out front — like a gang of schoolkids producing a volunteer for teacher — and elected me as vice president of the organization in 2000, George Smith of Anniston, Ala., voted for me and shouted out, “As long as we don’t have to meet in Indiana.”
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