Editors’ Roles are Changing

According to a recent survey by the American Society of News Editors, 60 percent of American newspaper editors believe they spend fewer hours planning news coverage and working with staff due to the new technology. About 140 newspaper editors participated in the survey.

Increased focus on digital content has affected the traditional role of newsroom editors. About 53 percent believe that technology has improved coverage but 33 percent believe the focus on digital delivery has hurt news coverage. It is hard to know if editors are simply uncomfortable with new technology and not anxious to make changes.

About 50 percent think they do not have staff with the knowledge to work with the digital changes, but 80 percent believe that changes will make news coverage better in the long run, according to the survey.

The newspaper industry has been profoundly affected by tremendous change in the digital age. Although circulation and advertising are down, the interest and demand for news is greater than ever with computers, smart phones, iPads and other electronic gadgets constantly browsing and consuming news.

For more information

See survey

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