New book about publicity techniques

Columnists are writers, not publicists. If you finally write that book, what do you do with it? The idea of having to market a book can be a pretty scary one. On the NSNC discussion forum, Walter Brasch recently suggested a new book about publicity technques by a friend of his, Carolyn Howard-Johnson. If is called “The Frugal Book Promoter: Second Edition: How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with your publisher.”

The first award-winning edition has been expanded in the second edition to include simple ways to promote books using newer technology. It also includes information on the tried and true traditional methods, such as, how to write media releases and query letters.

Ms. Howard-Johnson draws on her background in journalism, public relations, retailing, marketing, and the marketing of her own books for her information. “The Frugal Book Promoter” is full of ideas, strategies, and tips for promoting your book cheaply in innovative and effective ways.

Topics include:

* Blogging tips and pitfalls
* Obtaining reviews and avoiding scams
* Finding places to pitch your book
* Using the eBook explosion to promote sales
* Using Google alerts to full advantage
* Staying on top of current trends in the publishing industry
* Writing quality query, media release letters and scripts for telephone pitches
* Putting together power point and author talk presentations

You could hire a publicist for $100 an hour, but if you’re looking to do some of your own publicity, then this book can help you toward that end. “The Frugal Book Promoter” is a guide creating interesting, fresh, inexpensive, and relatively easy promotion for your book.

Walt says,  “It’s on Amazon. (Well, isn’t just about everything?)”

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