Suzette announces new CD for writers

Suzette Martinez Standring, past president of NSNC, recently announced the release of a new CD for writers.

“For a long time, I’ve used guided imagery exercises in my writing workshops because relaxation unlocks the imagination.  Due to demand, I’ve produced a unique CD with two guided imagery exercises.” she says.

Relax With Suzette is a blissful meditation, useful for stress management. Anyone can benefit from this relaxing experience.

The second exercise, A Writer’s Meditation, is specific to creative writing. “I relax and guide the writer to a memory that can be mined for details to enhance the story writing process.”  In 1990, Suzette was certified in hypnotherapy and learned how to tap into the subconscious, the place where memories and feelings reside.

Years later as a professional writer she realized that the meditative state and storytelling have a lot in common. Both have the goal of getting to the heart of things.

Buy the CD at ReadSuzette.

While you are there, check out Suzette’s latest column, “Remembering Zazz” recalling the late Jeff Zaslow and his encouragement to her personally. “Like all writers, I had ups, downs, and stumbling blocks.” says Suzette.

“‘You write with a lot of heart. Dream big!’ he wrote to me.”

She recalls that Zazz’s bestselling books had put him in a global spotlight, earning literary stardom’s big bucks. Yet for very little bucks, he spoke at a 2010 library fundraiser in her hometown of Milton and was interested in touring the library to see it. None of the speakers at the library fundraiser in the past had ever asked to see it.

The entire column can be seen at ReadSuzette.


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