Scholarship Winner Looking for Job

Paul Bowers, the 2009 NSNC college scholarship winner, is looking for a job. At least one of our members, Dave Lieber, came to his aid.

Bowers wrote to Lieber because they had discussed the future of journalism at the Ventura, Calif., conference where the student received his award. “My future is fast approaching,” he said, noting that he and his wife are graduating in May. He added that he hoped to become a reporter for a mid-sized-to-major daily paper or serious Web publication.

Lieber gave him a lead for a Texas newspaper and sent him a link to Gorkana Daily Alerts in Journalism.

(NOTE: The Gorkana Alert keeps more than 13,000 PR professionals and journalists around the country in touch with the latest media news and moves. To submit an alert, email your update to

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