Celebrate with us on April 18!

Join Us in Celebrating National Columnists Day & Ernie Pyle Remembrance Day

This April 18th, we’re paying tribute to the legendary Ernie Pyle, a symbol of the courage, integrity, and human touch that define the best in journalism. But this isn’t just about looking back—it’s about sparking conversation on the enduring relevance of columnists in our lives today.

Please read this story by Dave Lieber about the origin of National Columnists Day: https://www.columnists.com/2009/04/story-behind-national-columnists-day/

We Want to Hear From YOU! 

In a world overflowing with information, the personal, insightful, and often courageous work of columnists helps cut through the noise, providing clarity and context. That’s why we’re inviting you to be a part of a unique project to honor the legacy of Ernie Pyle and the invaluable role of news columnists.

How to Participate:

  • Create a Short Video (30 – 45 seconds max): Share your thoughts on why Ernie Pyle’s work is relevant today/what role you believe news columnists play in our society. Whether it’s their ability to inform, challenge, entertain, or inspire, we want to hear what makes columnists important to you. Conclude by spotlighting a favorite columnist or blogger who, in your view, is effectively continuing this important tradition in journalism today. 
  • Write a Blog Post: Dive deeper into your thoughts with a blog post about the significance of National Columnists Day & Ernie Pyle Remembrance Day. Discuss Ernie Pyle’s enduring legacy, the role of columnists in today’s digital age, or share a personal story about how a columnist has influenced you. Post your entry on April 18th to coincide with the celebrations, and use the hashtags #ErniePyleDay and #ColumnistsMatter when sharing your blog on social media.
  • Post Your Video and Blog on Social Media: Use the hashtags #ErniePyleDay and #ColumnistsMatter. Tag us in your post, and you might see your video or blog featured on our channels! Additionally, we encourage you to include links to your own website or other work within your post. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your voice and contributions alongside your reflections on the impact of Ernie Pyle and the significance of news columnists today.
  • Engage: After posting, check out what others are saying through the hashtags. Like, share, and comment to keep the conversation going.

? Deadline:  Share your videos and blog posts by posting on our social media pages by April 17th to ensure they’re part of the nationwide conversation on April 18th, National Columnists Day & Ernie Pyle Remembrance Day.

This is more than a tribute; it’s a movement. Let’s saturate social media with our voices and remind the world of the critical role columnists play in our democracy, our communities, and our lives.

Looking forward to seeing your videos, reading your blog posts, and hearing your thoughts!

#ErniePyleRemembranceDay #NationalColumnistsDay #MyFavoriteColumnist

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