Tag: Indiana University

National Columnists’ Day – Another Ernie Story

By Dave Lieber Fort Worth Star-Telegram   No matter what crevice of Ernie Pyle’s life you look into, you find something interesting, honest and authentically American. His real name was Ernest, after all. April 18 marks the 18th annual celebration of the NSNC’s National Columnists Day, a project former NSNC President Bill Tammeus and I…

Pyle Historical Site Update

About 30 journalism students from Indiana University visited the Ernie Pyle State Historical Site recently. The site is closed and half of the letters, and many of the uniforms, World War II era gear and other artifacts have been removed. The materials are warehoused in Indianapolis, where state museum officials say they will be utilized in…

School of Journalism extends Welcome

Journalism School

The Indiana University School of Journalism welcomes the National Society of Newspaper Columnists as it stages its annual conference in Bloomington July 8-11.  An article is posted on the Indian University website. The School of Journalism is one of the sponsors of the conference, along with Indiana University, The Herald-Times, Schurz Communications, VisitBloomington.com, Nick’s English…

“Kick Ass” Author at Columnists Conference

Thanks to President Obama, the expression “kick ass” (or variations thereof) has come off the street and into mainstream news coverage.  Headline writers and TV news readers were freed from restraint after the president told Matt Lauer of the Today show he was talking to experts to find answers about the Gulf oil spill “so…