Tag: video

So You Want to be a Journalist

Funny but sad animated cartoon on the state of the journalism biz… Created By BrooklynLee – Dec. 12, 2010 -http://www.xtranormal.com/ Via Muck Rack Daily http://muckrack.com/

Humor: Terrorist Muslim Chickens????

Humorist Rick Horowitz explains (more or less) how Terrorist Muslim Chickens are contaminating our egg supply at Ground Zero — not to even mention our nightly television news programs.

Rick Horowitz Political Satire

From the studios of Milwaukee Public TV direct to your computer screen, NSNC member, Rick Horowitz has a gusher of new on-camera commentaries on YouTube and ready for your inspection and occasional entertainment. The facts don’t matter in Washington anymore — it’s the story you can *tell* about the facts. Satirist Rick Horowitz explains it…

Increase your search rankings/readership with simple videos

Dave Lieber

By Dave Lieber www.WatchdogNation.com    By now, as a columnist, writer, information entrepreneur, whatever you call yourself these days, you have figured out that the chief currency in this stage of the information age is the keyword search in a search engine of your name.    Borrowing from Microsoft’s search engine, when someone looks you…