Member in High School Athletics Debate

As published in Greensboro News and Record – December 19, 2010    
By Dr. Michael K. Jones at ASKDRJ@AOL.COM

Counter Point: Beefed-Up GPA of High School Athletics Forget Social Values Gained

Having just completed a book after 4 ½ years of study called, “1000 and 500 Wins,”  focusing on the social values of high school football and basketball, I would like to add my voice to article appearing in the Sept 5 and Sept 8, “Our Opinions” News and Record debate on GPA grades for GSO high school athletes. Coach Tommy Pursley of Northeast High football is absolutely correct! His statement that “more goes on than just football” is absolutely correct. The discussion about the social values gained from high school athletics was never brought up or reported.

There are at least 15 books and massive research in Canada , New Mexico, Texas, and through Carnegie Corp involving 7,000 students, as well as Dr. Roger Whitley at the N.C. High School Association with 325,000 students demonstrating High School athletic participation: higher GPA 2.8 vs non athletes 1.95; mean day absence from school-athletes 6.25 days absent, non athletes 12.57; discipline referrals- athletes 30.15%, non athletes 40.04% all to support the notion that positive social values are gained from participation in all high school athletics. The U.S. Principals Association studies reported on developing social values in Colorado , New Mexico , and Texas all support the same conclusion. 

All of these studies cited have shown participating in high school sport kids gain: greater discipline, higher church attendance, increase in graduation rates, stronger family relationships, more involvement in other high school activities, greater percentage of college bound kids, and higher rate of graduation from college. These student athletes with less than a 2.0 GPA are now in the shadows of being cast aside without developing positive social values. I will be glad to meet with parents or coaches to explain “1000 and 500 Wins.”

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