Special Authory Offer for NSNC

Thanks to all of you who joined us for the Authory webinar with CEO and Founder Eric Hauch.

Authory offers journalists a unique all-in-one solution with a self-updating portfolio page, automated article backups, social media analytics and much more. Or, as a customer put it:
“If you write for multiple publications, Authory is a must have. I’d almost considered hiring someone to do this for me, now I’ve “hired” Authory — and I’m very happy I did.”

Find more quotes from happy customers here: https://authory.com/blog

The special offer for NSNC members can be found here: authory.com/NSNC

When you sign up with this link, you will receive 30% off the monthly or yearly plan for life.

For those who would like to learn more about Authory, you can watch the recording here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/Km7DjSNEbG6Vf4EgJ7MBQA5FaYqKAYIZNCi1kFG0cl8z8xO-QLx8DMpo_j6VjsCo.uchEJl3XFsj1JcUp

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