NSNC Call for Programs

NSNC is looking for programming ideas for online, stand-alone workshops as well as for the NSNC annual conference, which will be held virtually in 2023.

We are in search of proposals for meaningful keynotes as well as individual breakout sessions that would be about 50 minutes in length. Please include as much detail as possible (including topic, speaker/panelists, and outline/description of the program, along with any other pertinent details about the session.)

Please include with your proposal:

Your name:

Contact information – phone, email:

Title of session:

Proposed speaker or panelist(s):

Description of session or outline of topic covered:

Why would you like to present this topic?

What is your background, expertise?

What would you hope to convey in the session?

Will you have any hand-outs or takeaway materials you’ll share with attendees?

Anything else you’d like to share?

Topics could include (but not limited to) the craft of column writing, from column writing to a podcast, a book, or TV and more, effective storytelling, marketing and social media, building your brand, email newsletters that work – just to name a few.

Proposal submissions should reflect original content, compelling topics, along with accompanying teaching activities/tools. We are in search of professional, diverse topics from experts and panelists, alike.

Please email your proposal to NSNC Executive Director Ginny McCabe at gmwriteon@aol.com. The deadline to submit proposals is Fri., Nov. 25. Thank you.

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