A Word from NSNC President: Lori B. Duff


Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself.  My name is Lori B. Duff, and I am your current President.  When I’m not writing, I’m a practicing attorney and a part-time Municipal Court Judge. You can find a sampling of what I do on my Authory portfolio here: https://www.authory.com/LoriBDuff

Authory is one of the many, many advantages of being a NSNC member – you get a *lifetime* 30 percent off discount just for being a member of NSNC.  You can put a dollar figure on that one and some of the other benefits, but what you can’t put a dollar figure on is the networking and connections you’ll make.  NSNC members are writers setting out on their journeys and Pulitzer Prize winners; they are wondering if they’ll ever finish that novel in their proverbial desk drawers and they are New York Times bestselling authors.  Wherever you are and wherever you want to be, there’s a friendly face to commiserate with and to give you advice about where to take your next step.   

Be sure to read our Newsletter when it arrives in your inbox.  Our Newsletter isn’t just chat – it’s chock full of useful information like new benefits of membership, leads on pitches and contests, educational opportunities, and our own in-house conference and webinar series.

NSNC really is an all-inclusive group.  If you’d like to be involved, there’s no secret handshake, tap on the shoulder in the middle of the night, or hazing process.  Just ask!  Like all volunteer organizations, we need all the help we can get.  If you have a special skill or ability, let us know, and we will put it to use.  (Hello wannabe webmasters….)

Please feel free to reach out to me at lori@loriduffwrites.com at any time.  I’ll be happy to answer any question you have or just say hi.  I might not have the answer to whatever you’re asking, but I guarantee I’ll know someone who does within our ranks.

If I haven’t met you yet, I look forward to doing so.  If I have, I look forward to seeing you again, and I’m glad you’re visiting our web-based home.  Remember – our home really is your home, so stay as long as you’d like.   

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